So in the last post I started on the insulation layer. On the 2nd I was able to mix and apply 6 batches. I learned to mix a batch and empty it into the kiddie pool then get the next batch mixing while I apply the batch in the kiddie pool. This worked really well since the cob batches come out better the longer they run in the mixer.
So you can see in the picture that I got the first half of the insulation layer applied. I then cut some wire fencing into strips and wrapped them around the dome. I started to connect the strips together with wire and I ran out. So I used some zip ties I had to finish off the rest of the strips. I wasn't too worried about using the zip ties for two reasons. Firstly the insulation layer should protect them from getting too hot and secondly their only purpose was to hold the fencing strips in place and shape until the rest of the insulation layer sets.
OK so why did I add the fencing strips? Well I added them to give a reinforcement to the insulation layer to avoid any checking or cracking do to the heat expansion of the thermal layer. I left straw sticking out and kept the insulation layer very rough to provide a good bonding surface for the second half of the insulation layer.
You'll notice that I left a gap on the bottom of the outer insulation layer. I did that on purpose. Since I'm going to add the adobe bricks around the base I wanted to have space to work at the top. When the bricks are added I'll go and back fill that gap before the outer layer is put on.
So hopefully over the next week I can get to making the bricks to wrap the base in so I can repair the rain damage. I 'll take pictures for the next post.
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