Before writing this post I looked up the statistics of this blog and I was truly surprised. There have been over 1,200 people from all over the world who have been visiting this site. I was shocked! I know that when I was searching for information before I started I had a lot of problems finding a good full range of information, which is why I started this blog. However, I never expected this much interest in this information. I honestly figured that there would be a few people like me interested in this information and my experiences but, in my wildest dreams I never expected this much interest or that the interest would come from all over the world. I was shocked and thrilled when I saw those statistics. So thank you to all of you who have read my blog and I truly hope that in some way I have helped, answered a question or maybe inspired you to give building something like this a try.
Now that I have recovered more and can do more again, I plan on working on more projects again and since I now know so many people do have interest in what I'm doing I will continue to document my progress. I will also make it a point to not leave such a large gap of time in my posts.
Thanks again to all of you who have read this blog and I hope that if my blog has inspired you to build something or post a blog of your own that you will tell me in comment or send me a message so that I can add your information on my so that it may help other people find your blog and read about your experiences as well.
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