Well Like I said in my last post, I have a lot of work to do to clear out the kitchen space to get started on the rest of the kitchen. If you're anything like me you have so many things going on all at once there just never seems to be enough time in the day to get to everything. Add to that trying to deal with my injuries and sometimes it just takes me way to long to get to things. For those of you that have teenagers you also know what it's like to try and get things completed. As my father and grandfather used to say, it's like pulling hen's teeth.
As you can see in the picture above I have lots of stuff that needs to be cleaned up and taken care of before I can even start laying things out for the rest of the kitchen. It's also very hard to see in the picture but, there is pavers laid down to make a patio that is about 20 feet by 25 feet. The fun part of removing the pavers is that we laid them directly into the slightly wet soil and they are held down and as solid as concrete. I may have to soak them with water just to get them to release since our soil here dries so hard.
When I get all of this moved out and cleared I'll start the laying everything. Once I get all of the layout done I'll be able to get a rough estimate of how many bricks I'll need to make as well. I'll also layout the trenches for the plumbing and electrical that I want to put in.
I'll post pictures as soon as I get things cleared and when things are laid out.
I'm including this just to show that things happen in life and no matter how bad things look right now you can always make something good out of it, as long as you're willing to do the work.
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