You'll notice that I added more grout to the counter. I noticed that when I had scraped the excess grout off last there were some holes and unevenness to it. So I added the grout and let it sit while I started working on the second layer plaster on the base. You'll also notice that I didn't start right at the corner. I did this because I needed to build up the corners and it gave me a ledge to tie into for the corners. My plan was to go all the way around the base then work on the corners.
I took a break after I finished this section to clean up the grout. I then used some slip again to smooth out the grout. I also wanted let you know that if you're using glazed tiles you can just let the slip dry an buff it off with a dry rag and a damp sponge.
Also if you look at the above picture you'll notice that I worked the plaster much smoother than we did on the first layer. I didn't get out all the bumps and dips but, that's part of the traditional stucco / plastered look.
I had to apply the plaster from the bottom up then from the top down. After that I did try and work the plaster in different directions so I didn't have all these vertical lines. I think it helped the texture look more authentic to the adobe style.
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